
Tel: +496182 - 957 89-0

Tel: +496182 - 4116

Tel: +496182 - 5611

Fax: +496182 - 607 25

Philipp A.N. Köhler Gmbh & Co. KG
Herderstraße 31-33
63512 Hainburg/Hessen


opening times factory shop

Mo - Fr
8.00 - 18.00 Uhr


9.00 - 13.00 Uhr
Sundays closed!

opening times ice cream business

from the 1rst of March until the 31rst of October from:

Mo - Fr
9.00 h

Saturday, Sunday and on official holidays  und an Feiertagen

11.00 h


Our ice cream business closes: 

March at 18.00 h

April at 19:00 h

May until August at 20:30 h

September at 19:00 h

and in Oktober at 18:00 h


(If the weather is really bad we will close the ice cream business earlier.)

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